In some media outlets in North Macedonia there is a kind of “fear” to openly open a media to any particular political entity, even though it is not forbidden to do it in an open and adequate manner. Then everyone will know that you are close to the X party, and you have a special policy block that supports the policy of that subject, but the rest of the news is professional. But this news that we review does not happen.
Link to article : Scandalous, Taravari admits he is carrying out pressure, revanchism, differentiation and political revenge (Photo)
Date of publication: 03.07.2019
Date and review : 14.07.2019
Reviewer : Ferikan Iljazi
When the media are not divided by political subjects, the affairs have become tedious
Some media have mixed the categories of publication and in one place they publish political announcements and party messages, information and news, and even comments on Fejsbuk.
Such is the case in the text we are reviewing. From this text we note that the author has created information that is not news and is close to his conviction and this covers a status in Fejsbuk of a former employee in Gostivar’s cabinet, Nevzat Bejta.
Manipulation with a bombastic title!
When the title comes out this conclusion: “Scandalous, Taravari admits that he is carrying out pressure, revanchism, differentiation and political revenge (Photo)”, what to think more about the reader in this case. At first glance, the author seems to have a picture that proves that Taravari makes revanchism or pressure, while in the text is a picture of the status of former employees in the municipal administration, and this is classic manipulation. The journalist has an obligation to provide the reader with what he has warned, rather than deceive him.
Readers are entitled to accurate information, according to the first article of the Code of Ethics.
- The journalist has the right to free access to all sources of information that are of public interest. The journalist should publish accurate and proven information and will not hide essential data and falsify documents. If the information can not be confirmed, or if it is a presumption, or speculation, it should be said and published. The accuracy of the information should be proven as much as possible.
Unilateral writing, without verification, without facts and arguments
Anyone can write status in Fejsbuk, but that does not mean that news should be made without verifying the accuracy of the writer’s assertions. So less with dozens of comments from the author himself.
Manipulation of the author also stems from the fact that he has chosen to publish a statement from a person who worked for the opposing subject of current mayor Arben Taravari. The news author has not verified on the ground with facts and arguments that would testify to the statement made by the former employee. It has not taken the trouble to verify the denunciation either through the employees in the municipality.
The author has not even contacted Tarvis to take a stand for what he is accused of. What is said is a very serious charge and must be clearly demonstrated.
How do you trust such a story?
Autori nuk e ka lënë temën të zbehet vetëm me statusin e ish kryetarit të kabinetit, e ka përcjellë edhe statusin e kryetarit aktual të cilit i janë drejtuar akuzat dhe prej një fjale të tij ka bërë “film” të tërë.“Por befasuese ka qenë përgjigja e Taravarit po në Fejsbuk.“Çdo të mbjellësh, do të korrësh! Një e moçme por gjithmonë trendy”, shkruan Taravari duke lejuar që të kuptohet se po bën presion, revanshizëm, diferencim dhe hakmarrje politike”, shkruan në tekstin që po e recensojmë.
Autori e ka mbushur tekstin e tij me gjoja denoncimet e vazhdueshme të degës së BDI-së në Gostivar për veprimet e Taravarit. Por, autori nuk ka dhënë më shumë informata se cilat janë këto denoncime, kur janë bërë, sa herë dhe ndaj kujt? Autori ka marrë për të mirëqenë kumtesat partiake të kundërshtarit politik të Taravarit.
Kur lexoni se dikush akuzon, kërkoni të gjeni dëshmitë në tekst
The lesson for readers from this text would be to not read news that is in favor of only one party or the disadvantage of another party. Do not let your news appear to be influencing the news that is half-free, without evidence, and without argumentation about major charges. Without full pictures you can not make a fair rating. This information might even be true, but it is not adequately addressed and journalistic principles and thus even invalidates the event.